International Conference on Well-being in Education Systems

21-22 novembre 2017, SUPSI-DFA, Locarno

Submission of contributions. The Department of Education and Learning of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland invites researchers and professionals in the field of  positive psychology, well-being and education to submit proposals for an international  conference on well-being in education systems, organised by the Centre for Innovation and Research on Education Systems. 

Proposals are welcome from all fields of research, especially education, positive  psychology and well-being on the following topics:

  • Monitoring well-being in school communities;
  • Prevention policies and activities;
  • Methodological approaches and instruments for measuring well-being;
  • The well-being of students, teachers and school personnel;
  • School climate and well-being;
  • Physical school environment and well-being;
  • Well-being and transitions through education systems and beyond;
  • Experiences and practices in promoting well-being at school.


Dernière mise à jour: 20.03.2017 à 11:14
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